I wanted a regular fitted shirt for my 7 yo girl, and of course the fashion right now is really loose and also knit and comfortable fabrics, but I wanted something different.
I chose the pattern 27 of the Ottobre magazine Summer 3,2014 in the German edition, which my husband brought me from a business trip this year even if it was old (I'm always looking for magazines to have). It was kind of funny trying to read it as I always want to check if I'm doing it right or not.
The pattern was quite simple, 3 pieces as I made a sleeveless shirt. I made a size 116 for my 7 yo girl, and the only modification I made was taking out 2cm or 0.8 inch from each side of the sleeves as it would fit better and more feminine.
First I copied the pattern and cut the fabric, with my pieces made I only put the interface to the neck instead of the buttons too, and just start sewing.
I had difficulties adding the neck to the shirt and in the first one I made it as I could but I decided to study what I made wrong and with the help of the book of Sandra Betzina named Power sewing (which by the way only cost me 2 usd at the Public Library sales) I realized that the shirt has to be inside the neck and not the other way around.
And this is why I decided to repeat it and learn from it... doing it right this time... because I wasn't going to re-do it at this point.
This time the neck was perfectly done!!
And even though I love the white shirt she enjoyed more the Miami Dolphins shirt!!I loved those shirts and I would do them again and again with different fabrics and maybe I could put sequins in the neck or made a shirt with this back )(. I don't know. What do you think???
At the end we went for dessert to a Dolphins Game!!! Go Dolphins!!!
Love S