Monday, February 16, 2015



I'm so happy with this little garment, it was so easy, so practical, fun to make, but the best of all was the time I put on it... I made it in less than an hour so it is super fast!!!! I'm proud to say that I could make it while my 3 kids were playing next to me... cut, sew, try and done!!

I had a beautiful denim satin fabric floating over my stash, it is stretchy but not as a regular cotton for leggings, and the print is lovely, bright little flowers in all these colors!! She loved the fabric and even with the print they look a little dressier than jeans or regular leggings...

Back to the easy part:
* 1 pattern 2 pieces
* Elastic belt
* Hem

I just made a size 98 with the length of a 104... My pretty girl has all her weight in her beautiful and messy hair...

And... DONE !!!

Have you ever made something as easy as this???

This  is the pattern picture which we like from the magazine: the funny leggings

As easy as this

The model jumping around and showing me that they had the right size:

The lovely photo pose

Thursday, February 12, 2015



What a crazy week we had last week!!  On Wednesday I took the kids to the park and we had an amazing afternoon, the same night my baby had a little fever, so I took him to the pediatrician in the morning after leaving my other 2 kids at school. At the doc office we were transfer to the ER with respiratory distress... What??!!!!  Of course one day before my husband went to Germany on a business trip.  We stayed there until the night and they released us with a huge treatment. Two days later my middle girl and I got the virus, but we really took it easy and it was not as strong... After  arriving to Germany and bought me a couple of magazines he had to return here to help... and cook   :)  Everything went well and our baby is healthy again!!!

On Sunday I decided to take all my stress away, so I decided to take down a little couch of the kids which they adore and refurbished it. The blue coach has being with us for 6 years aprox. And I can say that it is used pretty much everyday (the red one too but that one I haven't refurbished it yet).

I had in my stash an old green and again bold print  IKEA FABRIC which I bought in Spain in 2008 (as you can see in the picture), I wanted it for a chair, but never did nothing... you know, but I still love this textile so much.

I tried to copy and take measurements over the cover (which was a bad idea as it was better to take measurements of the couch) and started there... piece by piece.

Then I took the zippers off (3) of the actual slip and put them in the new one.

I tried to put it together...   and didn't work the first and the second time... but the third one we had a new little green couch!!!

I did it!!!!!  yeahhhhhh!!!!! Bye bye old cover!!!

It is not perfect but it has the same purpose as the blue old and decadent one: coach, bed, castle, fortress, boat, etc, etc, etc

Now I have to make the other one but I'm not in a rush as it took some stress away but it also add some of it to me.... maybe I just needed to do something easier.